Sunday, July 21, 2013

Libyrinth review

Here is the most recent review I posted on all the usual places: LibraryThing, Amazon, Good Reads, etc. etc.:

This was a fun YA read that even adults can love -- in fact, adults may like it more, especially book lovers. North populates the story with quotes from various Earth books and half the fun is figuring out the quote or reference from the current story line.

It comes off over simplistic at times, but that's my opinion as an adult reader and may not be the opinion of younger readers.

The story has two heroines who after the initial plot gets rolling are separated and must each cope with their particular situation while still accomplishing the overall goal of saving the Libyrinth from conquest by its enemies.
On a whole, this is a very strong female driven plot which does not compromise and doesn't cater to emotional appeal to keep the reader interested in their fate.

If you liked the Hunger Games or other books of futuristic dystopias, I'd definitely recommend this book.

Until Next Time....
Shelvingly Yours,

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